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BİYOGRAFİ / Atilla Can Kimdir?

23 Kasım 2017

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Atilla Can Kimdir?


Atilla Can, born on September 2, 1969, initially pursued painting before immersing himself in Ebru art, also known as Turkish marbling. His journey began with self-study and continued with formal education at Istanbul's Zal Mahmut Pasha Complex, where he honed his skills under the traditional master-apprentice method for nearly five years.

As a pioneer in innovative approaches to Ebru art, Atilla Can embarked on a significant mission in 2009 to advocate for its recognition on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List. His efforts aimed not only to preserve Ebru art as a cultural element but also proposed the establishment of a "World Ebru Day" to celebrate its heritage globally.

In 2013, Atilla Can's comprehensive UNESCO project received support from the Turkish Ministry of Culture and the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO. This project successfully led to Ebru art becoming the first Turkish art form inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This achievement marked a milestone in safeguarding Ebru art and inspired similar efforts for other traditional Turkish arts under UNESCO's protection.

Beyond advocacy, Atilla Can has actively promoted Ebru art worldwide through exhibitions, workshops, and educational initiatives on five continents. His influence extends not just as an artist but also as a teacher and ambassador for Ebru art. His innovations in Ebru techniques have expanded the art form's possibilities, while his exhibitions in prestigious venues like the United Nations underscore his global impact and recognition.

Atilla Can's dedication and contributions have earned him acclaim as a master artist and cultural ambassador. His work not only preserves the historical and artistic significance of Ebru art but also promotes its appreciation and understanding on a global scale


"Protection of  Ebru  Art by UNESCO

The inclusion of marbling art on UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage marks a significant milestone in art history. For the first time, a Turkish art form was safeguarded by UNESCO, marking it in golden letters in history. UNESCO protection meant securing the viability and sustainability of Ebru art. Simultaneously, this protection aimed to define and promote Ebru art on international platforms, moving it from the confines of closed workshop environments to a universal art dimension. Examining the criteria for inclusion on UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage List reveals significant factors such as the risk of disappearance and concerns about transmission to future generations—criteria that seemed tailor-made for Ebru art. The risk of disappearance and the inability to transmit to future generations were clear indicators that UNESCO protection was the correct path for marbling art.

Behind this historic event lies incredible determination and effort. To briefly describe how this achievement was realized: In 2009, Ebru artist Atilla Can initiated the process of cultural heritage recognition at UNESCO by submitting petitions to the United Nations and UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. In his petitions, Atilla Can spoke about marbling art, suggesting it could have a history of over 1000 years, emphasizing its value and unique style. He argued that the art must be protected and transmitted to future generations. Furthermore, he proposed the establishment of an annual "World Ebru Day" with activities, panels, exhibitions, and workshops where artists and art lovers from around the world could participate and exchange knowledge.


Atilla Can wrote numerous petitions and had telephone and face-to-face meetings with official institutions in Turkey, including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Turkish National Commission for UNESCO. He emphasized the importance of their support and urged them to submit an official letter to UNESCO on behalf of Turkey, supporting his project. Atilla Can struggled for years to convince people and institutions to believe in his vision but never lost hope or gave up. He reiterated his requests multiple times and continued awareness campaigns with great determination and perseverance.

Atilla Can believed that merely sending visually appealing petitions to UNESCO Paris was not sufficient for the UNESCO project. He insisted that the project should not be forgotten, should be kept on the agenda, and should generate awareness both in Turkey and globally. With great determination and courage, he stated, 'Whether UNESCO Paris accepts my project or not, I declare a "Marbling Day" worldwide and will start celebrations inviting artists and art enthusiasts from all over the world.' He acted upon his words, finalized his preparations with the experience gained from years of effort, and held the first World Marbling Day (International Marbling Day) in Istanbul in 2012. The event included panels, exhibitions, and attracted participation from 20 countries. It was a powerful, beautiful, and unforgettable event where Turkish and foreign artists met, friendships were formed, and knowledge was exchanged. The event was covered live by the state television channel TRT, broadcasting the purpose and intentions of the event worldwide through Atilla Can.


Following this effective organization, Atilla Can decided that it would not be appropriate to celebrate the event in the same place with the same thoughts every year. He believed it would be more meaningful to collaborate with different cities and perspectives. He aimed to introduce marbling art to different cultures in different cities and countries, transforming it from a monopolized structure into a universal art form. In the following years, he continued the World Marbling Day project, collaborating with teams that prepared the best event program files from cities or countries requesting the project. Atilla Can celebrated the event in Gaziantep in 2013 (where the world's largest marbling was made and a Guinness World Record was set), Trabzon in 2014, Yalova in 2015, Prague in 2016, and Abu Dhabi and Dubai in 2017. During this process, nearly 50 countries supported the World Marbling Day organizations, creating awareness of marbling art worldwide. Artists specializing in marbling around the world began to meet and establish dialogues, forming a global marbling community under a single roof.

Reflecting on his fourth year of struggle, Can traveled to Paris in 2013, standing in front of the UNESCO building. Atilla Can gazed at the UNESCO building from afar, contemplating his quiet struggle, then slowly raised his hands in the air, framing the UNESCO building with his fingers. That day, Atilla Can said in front of the UNESCO building:

'Atilla, you can cover this building with marbling. Promise yourself here. I will cover this building with marbling, ensure the protection of marbling art within this building, and if successful, I will raise my victory fist inside the UNESCO building... Promise... I promise...'

After returning to Turkey, Atilla Can wasted no time and spoke to marbling artists he could reach in Turkey and around the world about the UNESCO project. He urged them to write petitions to UNESCO, just as he had done, emphasizing the importance of writing their petitions on the most visually appealing marbled papers, mentioning their countries of residence, and describing themselves and the beauties of marbling art, expressing their unconditional support for Atilla Can's project. This request sparked an incredible storm of excitement worldwide, and marbling enthusiasts from Turkey and around the world sent hundreds of marbled petitions to UNESCO Paris in support of Atilla Can and his project. From that day on, the traffic of letters and petitions continued passionately for months. In a way, enough marbling went to Paris to cover the UNESCO building, and thus Atilla Can fulfilled his first promise.

The flood of marbled petitions from all over the world greatly impressed the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. The UNESCO Paris center informed the issue to the Turkish Permanent Representation to UNESCO. The Permanent Representation explained the matter to the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry contacted Atilla Can to inquire about the issue. As he had repeatedly explained to bureaucrats in the Ministry, Atilla Can explained the UNESCO project again and said that he would continue such actions until the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism supported his official UNESCO letter and prepared a request file for marbling protection, and sent it to UNESCO Paris. He continued his speech, ‘’Only a jasmine flower changes the smell of the entire street.’’

The process of Atilla Can's leadership in the UNESCO protection of Ebru art involved a significant determination and effort. Here are the main outlines of this process:

Initiation and Initial Steps: In 2009, Atilla Can initiated the process of placing Ebru art under UNESCO protection by submitting petitions to the United Nations and the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. During this phase, the historical significance of Ebru art, its cultural importance, and the necessity for its preservation were emphasized.

World Ebru Day: Atilla Can launched "World Ebru Day" to promote international recognition and spread of Ebru art. The first event was held in Istanbul in 2012 and subsequent celebrations took place in different cities. These events aimed to raise awareness about the cultural heritage value of Ebru art and the need for its preservation.

International Support and Awareness: Atilla Can collaborated with artists and institutions worldwide to garner support for Ebru art. Letters and petitions supporting Ebru's preservation sent to UNESCO created an international wave of enthusiasm.

Official Application and Acceptance: In collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Culture, the official dossier for Ebru art was prepared and reviewed at the 2014 UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee meeting in Paris. As a result, Ebru art was inscribed on UNESCO's "List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity," ensuring its formal protection. This decision enhanced the international recognition of Ebru art and secured its transmission to future generations.

Outcome and Impact: Atilla Can's leadership efforts reduced the risk of Ebru art disappearing, facilitated its international recognition, and paved the way for other traditional Turkish arts to be considered for UNESCO protection.

Atilla Can's achievement marked a significant milestone not only for the preservation of art but also in showcasing the power of cultural heritage and art.

Official artist’s website:


   2 Eylül 1969'da  dünaya geldi.Uzun yıllar resimle ilgilenen sanatçı, İstanbul'da Zal Mahmut Paşa Külliyesinde 5 yıl geleneksel usta - çırak yöntemiyle ebru dersleri aldı.  Ebru sanatında yenilikçi akımın temsilcilerinden olan sanatçı, 2009 yılında; BİRLEŞMİŞ MİLLETLER ve UNESCO PARİS'e , kaybolmaya yüz tutmuş unsurlarımızdan olan ebru sanatının gelecek nesillere aktarılması  için  mutlaka Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras Listesine alınarak, koruma altına alınması  ve dünyada her yıl bir gününün ise ''DÜNYA EBRU GÜNÜ'' olarak kutlanması  için resmi talepler ve  yazışmalarda bulunmuştur.

  Atilla CAN'ın  toplamda 6 yıla yakın mücadele verdiği Unesco projesi, 2013 yılında T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı ve Türkiye Unesco Milli Komisyonunu tarafından desteklenmiş ve  eşgüdümlü çalışmalar ile  hazırlanan dosya ,Paris'teki UNESCO Merkez binasında  24-29 Kasım 2014 tarihleri arasında 190 ülkenin katıldığı, Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras Hükümetlerarası Komite toplantısında incelenmiş, Ebru Sanatı Türkiye'den ''İnsanlığın Somut Olmayan Kültürel Mirası Listesi''ne alınan 12.Unsur olmuş ve ''Dünyanın Ortak Mirası'' olarak kabul edilmiştir. 

   Bu tarihi başarının yanısıra,Ebru sanatına yenilikler katan, yeni bir form kazandırma yolunda ilerleyen, birçok yurt dışı ve yurt içi festival,sergi,sosyal sorumluluk projesi ve organizasyonlarda  sanatını başarıyla temsil eden,Kültür Elçiliği yapan, Kültürel Diplomasiye katkı sağlayan ,öğrenci yetiştiren , halen ebru sanatını severek icra etmeye devam eden,T.C.Kültür Bakanlığı Türk Süsleme Sanatları Sanatçısı da olan  ATİLLA CAN ,evli ve bir kız babasıdır.

Atilla Can is recognized as an artist who pushed the boundaries of Turkish marbling art, known as Ebru, and brought a fresh perspective to it. His deep love and dedication to Ebru art are reflected in his works, where he demonstrates his mastery in each piece. Besides being an internationally recognized artist, he has undertaken the mission of bridging cultures by emphasizing the universal language and aesthetic power of Ebru art.

Atilla Can's passion for art stems not only from the combination of colors and patterns but also from his belief that art serves as a window into the human psyche. Each of his works expresses the common emotions and aesthetic quests of humanity through the universal language of art, taking viewers on both a visual and profound intellectual journey.

While skillfully employing traditional techniques in Ebru art, Atilla Can also incorporates innovative approaches into his works. In doing so, he preserves the art's deep-rooted traditions while adapting to the dynamics of contemporary art. Every detail in his works is a product of his keen observational skills and technical mastery.

He embraces cultural diplomacy as an integral part of his artistry and fulfills this mission through exhibitions he organizes worldwide and international events he participates in. He strives to promote and preserve Ebru art not only as Turkey's but also as a global cultural heritage. Each of his works reflects the unifying power and universality of art.

Atilla Can's passionate journey with art illustrates how deeply it has influenced his identity as an artist and his personal life. His ability to make swift decisions and his expertise in his field have propelled him to a successful career in the art world, while his strong will and disciplined personality shine through in all aspects of his life.

In conclusion, Atilla Can is not just an Ebru artist but also a visionary and cultural ambassador. His art not only provides an aesthetic experience but also touches the inner worlds of individuals, carrying universal significance. His works will continue to leave a significant mark on the evolution of contemporary art and remind us that art is humanity's shared heritage.


Karma Ebru Sergisi

2007, Tekirdağ

Hat Dergisi "Yılın Ebru Sanatçısı" Ödülü

2009, İstanbul


2010, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri

TBMM Şeref Holü Resim Sergisi

27 Mayıs 2011, Ankara

TJK Ankara Hipodromu Resim Sergisi

23 Nisan 2011, Ankara

ÇTSO 1. Kişisel Ebru Sergisi

27 Mayıs - 3 Haziran 2011, Tekirdağ


1 Eylül - 30 Kasım 2011, İstanbul


2011, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri

Akdeniz Üniversitesi 1. Uluslararası Kitap Sanatları Sempozyumu ve Ebru Çalıştayı Karma Sergi

22-24 Mart 2012, Antalya

Uluslararası Türk Kültür ve Sanat Çalıştayı

2012, Jacksonville, Florida, ABD

Akdeniz Üniversitesi 1. Yöresel Ürünler Sempozyumu ve Kültür Sanat Etkinlikleri

14-18 Kasım 2012, Antalya

DÜNYA EBRU GÜNÜ 1. Organizasyonu Başkanı, Karma Ebru Sergisi

8 Eylül 2012, İstanbul

Cemal Reşit Rey Konser Salonu 2. Kişisel Ebru Sergisi

10-20 Aralık 2012, Harbiye, İstanbul

Uluslararası Türk Kültür ve Sanatlarını Tanıtma Çalıştayı

20-30 Mart 2013, Tiflis, Gürcistan

International Black Sea University Workshop ve Sergi

28 Mart 2013, Tiflis, Gürcistan

American Friendship Youth Club Sergi

Tiflis, Gürcistan

Türkiye Sanat Etkinlikleri Grubu "BULUŞMA-5" Karma Sergi

20 Nisan 2013, Diyarbakır

Uluslararası Türk Kültür ve Sanat Çalıştayı

2-9 Mayıs 2013, Florida, ABD

Florida Atlantic Üniversitesi 3. Kişisel Ebru Sergisi

Mayıs 2013, ABD

"42 Sanatçı 42 Eser" Karma Sergi

27 Mayıs - 4 Haziran 2013, Konya

Cemal Reşit Rey "6 Sanatçı 60 Eser" Karma Ebru Sergisi

27-30 Haziran 2013, Harbiye, İstanbul

Dünya Ebru Günü 2. Organizasyon "Sesler ve Renkler"

14 Eylül 2013, Zeugma Müzesi, Gaziantep

"37. Çocuk Kitapları Fuarı"

13 Ekim 2013, Lahey (Den Haag), Hollanda

İzmir Resim Heykel Müzesi "Buluşma-5"

22 Ekim - 5 Kasım 2013, İzmir

Erdem Beyazıt Kültür Merkezi "Osmanlıdan Yansımalar"

25 Ekim 2013, Antalya

Akdeniz Üniversitesi 1. Yöresel Ürünler Sempozyumu ve Uluslararası Kültür Sanat Etkinlikleri

14-17 Kasım 2013, Cam Piramit, Antalya

4. Kişisel Ebru Sergisi "Hazan Çiçekleri"

14-17 Kasım 2013, Cam Piramit, Antalya

BERN Büyükelçiliği Eğitim Müşavirliği Etkinlik

9 Şubat 2014, Zürih, İsviçre

TÜRK KÜLTÜR MERKEZİ Ebru Kursu Eğitmenliği

17 Mart - 4 Nisan 2014, Tiflis, Gürcistan

Florida Atlantic Üniversitesi 5. Kişisel Ebru Sergisi, Sempozyum, Workshop

2014, Miami, ABD

Müzeler Gecesi

17 Mayıs 2014, Belgrad, Sırbistan

Berlin Büyükelçiliği 6. Kişisel Ebru Sergisi, Workshop

5 Temmuz 2014, Berlin, Almanya

Dünya Ebru Günü 3. Organizasyon "Sudaki Tılsım"

13 Eylül 2014, Trabzon

9. Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras Hükümetlerarası Komite Toplantısı (Ebru Dosyamın Görüşme Toplantısı)

24-28 Kasım 2014, UNESCO, Paris, Fransa

Kardelen Festivali "Kökler ve Kuşaklar Sanat Çalıştayı"

27-29 Mart 2015, İbradı, Antalya

Biga Kültür Sanat Festivali Sergi, Workshop

2015, Çanakkale

Dünya Ebru Günü 5. Organizasyonu

2015, Yalova

EMİTT Fuarı Workshop

Ocak 2016, İstanbul

Elsje Projesi Karma Sergi

Mart 2016, Arnhem, Hollanda

Mlada Bleslav Ebru Workshop

Mart 2016, Çek Cumhuriyeti

1. Uluslararası Sanat & Sağlık Festivali Workshop

28 Nisan - 1 Mayıs 2016, Çanakkale

Ebru Patchwork Projeckt Guinness Rekor, Workshop

Dobrovice, Çek Cumhuriyeti

6. Dünya Ebru Günü Organizasyon Başkanlığı, Sergi, Workshop

27 Kasım 2016, Prag, Çek Cumhuriyeti

Fête de la Tulipe Workshop

29-30 Nisan 2017, Morges, İsviçre

7. Kişisel Ebru Sergisi "Çiçek Hasadı"

18 Mayıs 2017, Biga, Çanakkale

Meksika Uluslararası Dost Kültürler Fuarı "Feria de las Culturas Amigas 2017"

20 Mayıs - 4 Haziran 2017, Mexico City, Meksika

World Ebru Day Uluslararası Dünya Ebru Günü Projesi

29 Ekim - 5 Kasım 2017, Abu Dhabi - Dubai, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri

"Migratory Birds" United Nations Geneva, Göçmen Kuşlar

8. Kişisel Sergi, 6-16 Şubat 2018, Cenevre, İsviçre

Atilla Can "Göçmen Kuşlar" 9. Kişisel Sergi

20-24 Şubat 2018, Galerie Héritage, Cenevre, İsviçre

Almaty Festival

19-26 Mart 2018, Almatı, Kazakistan

Araftaki Çocuklar Göçmen Çocuklarla Etkinlik

25 Temmuz 2018, Göç İdaresi Geri Gönderme Merkezi

"Rain Time" Yağmur Zamanı 10. Kişisel Sergi

15-18 Ekim 2018, Art Gallery-Espace Candide, Ferney Voltaire, Fransa

Fête de la Tulipe

27-28 Nisan 2019, Morges, İsviçre

Feria Internacional de las Culturas Amigas 2019

1-16 Haziran 2019, Mexico City, Meksika

"Parada Zilelor Clujului"

24-29 Nisan 2019, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romanya

12 Mart İstiklal Marşımızın Kabulünün 99. Yılı ve Mehmet Akif ERSOY'u Anma Günü

13 Mart 2020, Kafkas Üniversitesi

Yeditepe Bienali

07-31 Ocak 2022, Süleymaniye Darüzziyafe, İstanbul

3. Uluslararası Davetli Demokrasi ve Milli Egemenlik Sanal Sergisi

28 Şubat - 17 Mart 2022, Aydın Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi

Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi, Mücevher ve Geleneksel El Sanatları Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi "2. Ulusal Davetli Karma Sergi: Dünya Sanat Günü"

30 Mart 2022

23 Nisan Çocuk Festivali, Kişisel Sergi - Workshop

Lucie Stern Community Center, Palo Alto, California, ABD

Artistic Vintage Handmade Textile Exhibition, Ebru Tekstil Workshop

7 Mayıs 2022, Santa Monica, California, ABD

Transylvanian Tulips Fest 2022 Workshop

25 Mayıs - 5 Haziran 2022, Cluj Napoca, Romanya

06-09 Ekim 2022 Cluj Günleri Workshop

Culuj Napoca, Romanya

Atilla Can Kişisel Sergi, Workshop

29 Ekim 2022, Embassy Suites Waterfont, Burlingame, California, ABD

Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Marmara Üniversitesi, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi "DESTEK OLALIM" Uluslararası Çevrimiçi Karma Sergi

10-30 Nisan 2023

Marmara Üniversitesi, Geleneksel El Sanatları ve Tasarım Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi, "19 Mayıs Atatürk'ü Anma, Gençlik ve Spor Bayramı Uluslararası Çevrimiçi Karma Sergi"

19-30 Mayıs 2023

"Türkiye Akşamları" Ebru Workshop

19-21 Haziran 2023, Cultural Palace, Amr Aldamri Str., Al Safarat, Riyad, Suudi Arabistan

California 23rd Annual Turkish Art and Culture Festival

26-27 Ağustos 2023, Custom House Plaza, Monterey State Historical Park, California, ABD

Community Partnership For Youth (CPY), Del Ray Woods Elementary, Dual Language Academy Workshop

3 Eylül 2023, Seaside, California, ABD

II International Festival Of Handicrafts

21-23 Eylül 2023, Kokand, Özbekistan

Seniormassen Workshop

3-5 Ekim 2023, Stockholm, İsveç

100+ Şehirler Arası Karma Sergi

27 Ekim 2023, Ankara Müzik ve Güzel Sanatlar Üniversitesi, Ankara

Ustalardan Seçkiler Karma Sergi

28 Ekim 2023, Avlu Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi, Balıkesir

29 Ekim Cumhuriyet Bayramı Resepsiyonu, Ebru Workshop

29 Ekim 2023, Cezayir

Gaziantep Üniversitesi, Geleneksel Sanatlar Çalıştayı

9-11 Kasım 2023, Mâvera Kongre ve Sanat Merkezi, Gaziantep

Kuwait Turkish Village, Workshop

23-28 Kasım 2023, Kuveyt

İbrahim Müteferrika Kişisel Sergi

16 Şubat - 16 Mart 2024, Babeş Bolyai Üniversitesi, Cluj, Romanya

Lucian Blaga, Biblioteca Centrala Universitara, Kültürel Mirasın Sanat Öğretimi Yoluyla Aktarılması Konferansı

27 Nisan 2024, Cluj-Napoca, Romanya

Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Kültürel Mirasın Sanat Festivalleri Yoluyla Aktarılması Konferansı

28 Nisan 2024, Cluj-Napoca, Romanya

Transylvanian Tulips Fest (5), Kişisel Sergi, Workshop

26 Nisan 2024, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca, Romanya

Ebru Workshop

12 Haziran 2024, Four Seasons Denver, Colorado, ABD


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